µº¹úAV Alumni Association Benefits and Services
Membership to the Alumni Association
All students who graduate from µº¹úAV automatically become members of the Alumni Association—free of charge! There is no membership fee to join, and enrollment is automatic upon graduation. Be sure to keep your contact information up-to-date so that you receive the latest information from the University.
Alumni Tuition Discount Program
In an effort to provide increased opportunity for Rockhurst graduates to participate in and reassociate themselves with the academic offerings of the University, Rockhurst offers an Alumni Discount Program.
Participating students must have earned a degree from µº¹úAV. Alumni holding a Rockhurst baccalaureate degree are eligible to take only undergraduate classes through the Alumni Discount Program. Alumni holding a Rockhurst graduate degree are eligible to take graduate or undergraduate courses through the Alumni Discount Program.
Questions should be directed to the Office of the Registrar at 816-501-4047.
Alumni & Friends Online Community
³Õ¾±²õ¾±³ÙÌýthe Alumni site to read University news and register for upcoming events. Use the online directory to search for classmates and update your own directory listing.
Center for Career Development
As a graduate of µº¹úAV, you have access to a variety of services to suit your specific career needs. Contact the Center for Career Development for help with your job search, resume tips and interview advice. Call 816-501-4861 to make an appointment.
Transcripts & Replacement Diplomas
All transcript and replacement diploma requests are processed through the Office of the Registrar. There is an  to complete and/or questions should be directed to 816-501-4057 or registrar@rockhurst.edu.Ìý
Alumni ID Card
Rockhurst alumni are eligible for an alumni ID card which serves as a passport to special University privileges, including access to checkout materials from Greenlease Library and discounts on admission to campus events. To obtain your alumni ID card, visit the Office of Admission on the second floor of Massman Hall.
Center For Arts & Letters Events
Alumni are invited to attend Center for Arts & Letters events. These gatherings include Greenlease Art Gallery openings, Open Minds book club events, Musica Sacra Chorus and Orchestra concerts, Visiting Scholar Lectures and more.
µº¹úAV License Plate
Show your school pride with a personalized license plate. You have the opportunity to promote Rockhurst wherever you go with a minimum annual contribution of $25. Rockhurst plates are available only for registered Missouri vehicles.
To obtain your license plate, please contact the Office of Annual Giving at advanceRU@rockhurst.edu or 816-501-4431 to make your gift and obtain the authorization form that is needed for the DMV.
The Rockhurst Magazine
Alumni receive this publication three times a year to help stay up-to-date with University and alumni news. The current and previous issues can also be found online.
Rockhurst Merchandise
Promote your Rockhurst spirit by stocking up on sweatshirts, mugs and other great merchandise at the Rockhurst bookstore. You can  or visit the bookstore in Massman Hall.